Legal Notice
The Northwest Alliance is a partnership between the universities of Bremen and Oldenburg. The website is operated jointly.
The website is operated jointly.
University of Bremen Address:
Universität Bremen
Bibliothekstraße 1
28359 Bremen
+49 421 218-1
Legal form of the University of Bremen:
The University of Bremen is a public corporation. It is legally represented by the president, Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther.
The responsible supervisory authority is the Senator for the Environment, Climate, and Science, An der Reeperbahn 2, 28217 Bremen.
The University of Bremen’s VAT Registration Number:
DE 811 245 070 (according to § 27 a UStG)
University of Oldenburg Address:
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg
49 441 798-0
Legal form of the University of Oldenburg:
The University of Oldenburg is a public corporation. It is legally represented by the president, Prof. Dr. Ralph Bruder.
The responsible supervisory authority is the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture (MWK), Leibnizufer 9 (P.O. Box 261), 30002 Hannover.
The University of Oldenburg’s VAT Registration Number:
DE 811 184 499 (according to § 27 a UStG)
Online Editorial Offices:
University Communication and Marketing at the University of Bremen
Bibliothekstraße 1
28359 Bremen
Press & Communication at the University of Oldenburg
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg
Photo credit:
Photos from the following photo agencies and photographers were used for the Northwest Alliance website: Ezio Gutzemberg, kalafoto, monsitj, chokniti, Olena